Marumi Yasuda Kawara Industry specializes in high-quality roofing materials. Certified as a Niigata Prefecture regional brand, their tiles are designed for extreme weather, offering resistance to heavy snow, cold, wind, and salt. Renowned for both manufacturing and construction services, their tiles are a trusted choice for durability and craftsmanship across various regions.

Yasuda Tiles are distinguished by their unique iron color, derived from high-iron-content clay from Yasuda and crafted at temperatures above 1200°C, resulting in deep, rich hues. This technique is now applied to TSUKI tableware by Marusan Yasuda Tile Industry, blending traditional aesthetics with innovation. Designed with a moon-like, wrinkled appearance, TSUKI tableware is crafted in Agano City, Niigata Prefecture, featuring the distinctive texture and irregularities of Yasuda Tiles. These features not only enhance grip and prevent food slippage but also elevate the presentation, merging elegance with practicality for modern dining.

Explore the unique elegance of TSUKI tableware at Millennium Gallery Japan, where the rich heritage of Yasuda Tiles meets modern dining. Each piece, crafted with a distinctive iron-colored, moon-like texture, blends ancient techniques with contemporary design, offering a dining experience that captures the essence of Japanese tradition and innovation.

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